Unstoppable Together – Main Event
After two years of investing in and supporting youth-led solutions to address the negatives effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on young people in their communities, the Big 6 Youth Organizations, funded by the World Health Organization (WHO), through the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund, and the United Nations Foundation (UNF), this session is a celebration of the Global Youth Mobilization (GYM) initiative, looking back over the last two years of youth-centred global action, investment and leadership now and in a post pandemic world!
Join us as we review the impact of youth-led solutions, reflect on the Big Six and wider partnership model, and discuss lessons learnt to inform youth financing models globally.
Welcome |
Youth-led Solutions Showcase A showcase of youth-led solutions delivered under each of our 4 thematic areas followed by reflections from leading thematic experts. |
COVID-19 Prevention and Combating Misinformation with reflections from Maria Van Kerkhove (WHO) | Education Disruption and Employability with reflections from Yasmine Sherif | Mental and Physical Health with reflections from Charlotte Geneser (Danish Red Cross – National Board & International Committee) | Gender Inequity and Combating Domestic and Gender-Based Violence with reflections from Ritah Muyambo (UN Women) |
Thematic Experts

Youth Leading the Way The young people leading GYM deep dive into the issues and challenges around meaningful youth leadership, decision-making and implementation around the world today. Moderated by a GYM lead from the Big 6, the discussion brings external perspectives into the conversation to reflect on different models and shared learnings across the youth and development sectors. |
Moderator & Speakers

An Intergenerational Dialogue on Youth-led Global Action A high-level intergenerational conversation between international leaders and youth representatives from the GYM. |
Intergenerational Dialogue Speakers

Closing |
We want to hear from you!
Are you a youth advocate or a young person leading activities in your community to address societal issues and challenges? We would like to hear your voices and thoughts on the future of youth-led advocacy to address global issues.
Use the link below to give us your feedback and answers to various poll questions and a word cloud.