Глобальный молодежный саммит, состоявшийся в апреле 2021 г., собрал молодых людей, лидеров, политиков и тех, кто вносит изменения, в одном месте, чтобы обсудить вопросы и найти решения проблем, с которыми сталкиваются молодые люди во всем мире. Посмотрите трансляции пленарных заседаний, записи всех секционных заседаний, рекомендации и итоги.
Campaign toolkits
Partner campaign toolkit
The purpose of the Global Youth Mobilization Campaign Toolkit is to provide all campaign partners with the brand, messaging and media guidelines to ensure a consistent campaign approach across all our channels, networks and audiences.
This is a one-stop-shop for all the guidance needed to coordinate campaign communications throughout the campaign.
This resource will be continually updated with new content as it is developed. We also welcome feedback and ideas to improve and broaden the content.
Campaign assets and social
Please find below links to social campaign assets and content to help support you and your organisation to take part in and support the Global Youth Mobilization.
Policy and advocacy
Find below links to recent reports and position statements from the Big 6.
Young people championing post-pandemic futures
This paper offers key policy recommendations to support youth development and alleviate the long-term societal consequences of the pandemic.
Joint position on non-formal education
This joint position paper from the Big 6 highlights the importance of education and learning as lifelong processes that contribute to the development of young people.
World non-formal education forum
The World Non-Formal Education Forum is a global event for leading organizations and partners working in the area of non-formal education and youth development.
Rio declaration on non-formal education
The Rio Declaration on Non-Formal Education sets out an ambitious action agenda, capturing the voices and visions of the World Non-Formal Education Forum.