مارس 24, 2021 2:44 م
Published by visualwritings
As weeks and months have passed, people have been faced with the pressures that mount from an uncertain future. COVID-19 has had and continues to have a massive impact on mental health, causing widespread emotional stress and anxiety as people struggle to cope with the pandemic’s impacts on themselves, their families, and their communities.
مارس 24, 2021 2:34 م
Published by visualwritings
With Girl Scouts at Home, families everywhere can access self-guided, free activities to keep them engaged and connected to their communities and the larger sisterhood of girls. This new national platform reflects the exploration and interactive learning of Girl Scouts in a one-stop-shop format that lets both members and the public enjoy a variety of activities that cover STEM, Entrepreneurship, Life Skills, and the Outdoors (including from indoors!).
مارس 24, 2021 2:24 م
Published by visualwritings
For more than 100 years, there has been one group of little women on the front lines always finding a way to make a big impact. Girl Scouts. While they're especially known for selling baked goods outside grocery stores during a brief six- to eight-week Girl Scout Cookie season, the coronavirus pandemic has once again changed a few plans.
مارس 24, 2021 2:14 م
Published by visualwritings
As part of the national campaign to combat COVID-19, the Ivorian Scouts have also donated face shields to law enforcement officers at the Administrative Police Station in Abobo. “Police Officers are in contact with the population in the exercise of their function to protect the people. It is therefore important to give them all the help they need,” says the Regional Commissioner, Bamba Ousmane.
مارس 24, 2021 1:44 م
Published by visualwritings
COVID-19 has changed the face of the entire world in the past couple of months. It has gravely affected the lives of thousands and livelihoods of millions of people from all sections of society. But the most affected, by far, are the people from the underprivileged sections. I reflected on the conundrum, whether there is any disease worse than hunger.
مارس 24, 2021 1:34 م
Published by visualwritings
“I cannot imagine that service could not be in my life. My whole life is service and it is Scouting that taught me this attitude." Krysia, an 18-year old girl Scout from Poland, was awarded a European Civil Solidarity Prize by the EU's Economic and Civil Committee, for her domestic abuse campaign, “Chamomiles and Pansies”.