We are commissioning an external evaluation of our project – can you help?
The Global Youth Mobilization (GYM) is commissioning an external evaluation to review the achievements, impact, effectiveness and efficiency of the activities and operational collaboration between the Big 6 Youth Organisations completed throughout the GYM project.
The evaluation will:
- Review the achievements of the GYM as per the established log frame: The GYM’s log frame has a set of 5 key outcomes and 16 corresponding indicators that were established at the beginning of the initiative. It is assumed that these will form the basis for establishing the evaluation questions and structuring the data collection. This should specifically include evidencing whether the GYM delivered on its primary goal of building young people’s resilience to the negative impacts of Covid-19 and engaging them in response and recovery efforts (as defined in the log frame).
- Assess the effectiveness, efficiency and practical application of the Local Solutions model and make recommendations for ‘2.0’ . The Local Solutions funding platform and overall model of reviewing, approving, awarding and monitoring micro-grants is at the heart of the GYM and the main focus of our future plans. We want the evaluation to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the approach in terms of the experience for applicants; our ability to reach diverse audiences and so on to inform our next steps.
- Review the effectiveness of the GYM’s approach to youth participation. Young people have been central to the design of the GYM, all decision-making and awarding funds. We need to understand what went well and where we could improve on to ensure we continue to develop effective youth leadership and participation.
- Evaluate the impact of the GYM on the Big 6 international and national organizations. Given the GYM represents the first time that the Big 6 have implemented a truly operational joint initiative, it is proposed that the evaluation focuses on understanding the value and impact the GYM has had on each of the Big 6 organisations at an international and national level.
- Review the overall governance and operating model for the GYM to provide recommendations for future Big 6 initiatives.
Application Procedures
Interested organisations or individual consultants should contact lauren.mccormack@ifrc.org to apply and for further information.
Read the consultancy Terms of Reference here.
The application deadline for this consultancy has been extended to Monday, 1 August 2022, midnight CET.
Application materials should include:
- Short credentials and background briefing clearly summarising your experience as it pertains to this assignment, a brief description of your firm or institution (for applicants other than individual contractors) and three professional references. For individual consultants, please submit for your full CV.
- Technical proposal not exceeding four pages expressing an understanding and interpretation of the TOR, the proposed methodology, and a time and activity schedule.
- Financial proposal itemising estimated costs for services rendered (daily consultancy fees), and any other related supplies or services required for the evaluation.
- At least one example of an evaluation report similar to this request.
We thank you in advance for understanding that only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the next steps in the application process