International Youth Day 2022

This year’s theme for International Youth Day is “Intergenerational Solidarity: Creating a World for All Ages”, which will be commemorated on Friday, 12 August 2022. This theme aims to address raise awareness on the barriers of ageism and how it impacts both young and old people. As young people are at the forefront of the pandemic it is paramount that they are given us access to and part of global development strategies and mechanisms.

On International Youth Day, the Global Youth Mobilization (GYM) will showcase how young people are working to alleviate the long-lasting impacts of the pandemic, addressing the inequalities that young people face in their communities and how they are advocating for change through Local Solutions and National Projects.

Join our Youth Board Representatives as they take over our social media channels!

To facilitate a peer-to-peer online interactions, Youth Board Representatives Helga Mutasingwa (WAGGGS) and Michelle Chew (IFRC) will take over our Twitter page and Loris Tarazi (WYMCA) will take over Instagram at 13h00 – 15h00 (UTC) on Friday, 12 August 2022.

On Twitter participants can tag @gymobilization and use the hashtag to join the chat. On Instagram participants will be able to pose their questions by either messaging Global Youth Mobilization directly, or they can use the hashtag and tag @gymobilization in their stories.

The aim of the takeover is to engage with young people on the importance of having young people at the forefront of the COVID-19 response and recovery. Followers can pose questions to the Youth Board Representatives on their experiences or share their ideas on new youth-led solutions in their communities.

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