Kate Dodson
Vice president for global health strategy, United Nations Foundation
Kate Dodson is the Vice President for Global Health at the United Nations Foundation. In this role, she works to ensure that the UN Foundation delivers on its commitments to address the health-related Sustainable Development Goals, and builds synergies with UN agencies and other key multilateral partners. In its global health work, the UN Foundation supports UN agencies and partners that deliver vital health services to people around the world, including campaigns to vaccinate children against measles, polio, and other diseases, family planning services, and millions of anti-malaria bed nets. Increasingly, we focus on supporting the work of the World Health Organization and others to prepare for pandemics, tackle antimicrobial resistance, and strengthen global systems to provide Universal Health Coverage, ensuring we reach the most vulnerable and leave no one behind.
Kate is currently chair of the board of the Global Health Council, and a board member of Women in Global Health. She sits on the UHC2030 Steering Committee, representing the Foundation Constituency, and is a member of the National Academy of Medicine’s Forum on Public-Private Partnerships in Global Health.
Previously, Kate spent several years as the UN Foundation’s Director of Global Health, and has also served as Executive Director of Program Integration, focused on cross-department and cross-issue collaboration. Kate joined the UN Foundation in 2004 and spent her first five years in the sustainable development program in various positions, focused at the intersection of poverty reduction and environmental stewardship. Kate held positions at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University and has traveled, worked and studied in several countries. She has a master’s degree with distinction from Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service and a bachelor’s degree with departmental honors from Bates College in Maine.