The EU Youth Empowerment Fund

Launched in October 2023 and implemented through the Big Six youth organisations, the €10 million pilot initiative provides youth-friendly funding for projects that contribute to the sustainable development of local communities.

The partnership marked the first anniversary of the Youth Action Plan for EU External Action, the EU’s policy framework for a strategic partnership with young people to build a more resilient, inclusive and sustainable future.

As a flagship initiative of the Youth Action Plan, and designed by, with and for young people, the EU Youth Empowerment Fund provides and facilitates access to vital resources for young people to contribute to the sustainable development of their local communities and societies in EU partner countries across the world to reach the objectives of Agenda 2030, in line with the EU’s Global Gateway strategy. 

The Fund was launched in Nairobi, Kenya in the presence of the European Commissioner for International Partnerships Jutta Urpilainen, Carlos Sanvee, the Chair of the GYM, and young leaders worldwide.

This partnership is dedicated to dismantling barriers to funding and providing crucial opportunities for mentoring, coaching, and capacity building. We aim to ensure that marginalized and underrepresented communities have equitable access to resources. Moreover, we are committed to engaging, empowering, and mobilizing young people to address the most pressing global challenges, ranging from climate change and gender equality to education and employment access issues. Together, young people are forging their impactful local solutions to these monumental challenges.

Learn more about the EU Youth Action Plan here.

“Together with the Big Six, we will facilitate access for young people to the tools they need to initiate change and mobilise their peers. Our micro-grants will support youth-led projects, contribute to sustainable development and build recognition for young people as change-makers.”

Jutta Urpilainen
EU Commissioner for International Partnerships at the 4 October 2023 launch in Nairobi, Kenya.

The Fund will support mentoring and coaching opportunities.

Young people will lead in all aspects, from selecting grant beneficiaries to sitting on the initiative’s Board, supporting mentoring and capacity-strengthening programs, and participating in the design, leadership, and implementation of projects.

How does the EU support young people?

Designed with young people for young people

Providing funding and capacity-building

Empowering young people to take action

Combining resources for bigger impact


Contact us

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