Hong Kong
Project Name
Youth Mental Health Ambassador Programme
Name of Organisation
The Hong Kong Award for Young People
Number of young people
Number of beneficiaries

The Project
This National Project will focus on alleviating the negative impact on mental health of young people from COVID-19.
The Hong Kong Mental Health Conference 2020 found that the pandemic has resulted in increased anxiety and stress among young people in Hong Kong. In order to help alleviate these symptoms The Hong Kong Award for Young People is working with The Scout Association of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Girl Guides Association on a twelve-month long ‘Youth Mental Health Ambassador Programme’.
A total of 21 participants take part in the programme, from each of the three organisations (seven from each organisation). The programme consists of three phases with over 1300 hours of community services and activities included. Participants first receive mental health training in how to talk and support people, and then go out into their communities to provide services to 300 other local young people.
The aim of the project is for the Youth Mental Health Ambassador twofold. Firstly to help their fellow young people to process any negative emotions that may have arisen from the COVID-19 pandemic, and secondly to transfer the own negative emotions into positive action by serving others and sharing their stories.
Quote: “This project provides a chance of self-reflection for me. I hope that learning knowledge on mental health and methods on stress release can not only help the service users, but also helping me in difficult situation.” – WONG Wai Ho, 21
Quote: “Through the project I hope we can share more of our voices to different people, telling them the needs of young people on mental health and how we can support them.” – CHAN Ho Ching, 19
This project is part of the Big Six