Project Name
Rebuilding and Helping the Community
Name of Organisation
Scout and Guide Association Croatia
Number of young people
Number of beneficiaries

The Project
In the last two years not only has Croatia been impacted by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, but due 2 strong earthquakes many in the country have found the situation even more aggravating. To address these issues Scout and Guide Association of Croatia is working with scout groups in 5 counties to help the hardest hit communities in need by providing services aimed at getting life back to normal. Volunteer scouts have collected toys and educational materials, to rebuild capacity and encourage children and young people to continue with their education by creating over 50 “Happy Centres”. Through the national “Happy Centre” campaign the project has created a safe space where toys and educational materials are distributed, and children and young people can interact with each other.
Additionally, Scout volunteers continue to help local communities by distributing food and water to highly affected areas and some areas have helped health professionals to combat the effects of the pandemic by setting up secondary hospital sites to address their health and medical needs.
This project is part of the Big Six