Watch sessions from the Global Youth Summit
Thank you to everyone who attended the Global Youth Summit, 23 – 25 April 2021!
Thank you to all the amazing partners who delivered over 70 hours of incredible and impactful content, the 200+ speakers and facilitators for inspiring participants and all the staff and volunteers across the Big 6 youth organizations for helping to make it all happen. We couldn’t have done it without you!
Most importantly, thank you to the thousands of young people that attended the Summit. Your ideas, creativity and passion are unstoppable. Please do share your reflections and thoughts on the Summit on social using #youthmobilize and @gymobilization.
We’ll be sharing further information on the policy recommendations and outcomes from the Summit in the coming weeks. For now, read this short summary and watch all the inspiring sessions again here.
152 countries represented
3 plenaries and over 45 breakout sessions
More than 70 hours of content – all available to watch again
16 Governments and UN agencies pledging support
Summit themes
1. Learning:
reinventing disrupted education
understanding how the pandemic has affected young people’s education, both formal and non-formal, and identifying innovative methods to ensure learning continues amidst (and after) the pandemic.
2. Inclusion:
creating new communities
addressingthe most pressing inequalities that have been exacerbated by the pandemic whilst understanding how diverse communities are overcoming challenges and divides to build back better together.
3. Well-being:
becoming healthier and safer
exploring the pandemic’s impact on young people’s health – with a particular focus on mental health – and the support mechanisms developed in direct response. This theme will explore how young people’s safety has been compromised through increased gender-based violence, domestic violence and child protection issues, and what can be done to keep young people safe.
4. Work:
adjusting to the new normal
exploring the pandemic’s impact on young people’s experience of the job market and changes in job market needs. This theme will explore how different communities, organizations and countries are working to support young people’s (re)entry into the job market in a sustainable way.
Founding partners
Summit partners